
Thursday 9 April 2020

How to make soyabean roast fry

                                SOYABEAN ROAST FRY 


Soya bean -----------------------------   200 gm
big onion ------------------------------   1 (chopped)
small onion ---------------------------   200 gm 
green chilly ---------------------------   5 nos
ginger -neer----------------------------   1 t spn
garlic neer -----------------------------   2 t spn
coriander powder ---------------------   2 t spn
chilly powder -------------------------   2 t spn
turmeric powder ----------------------   1/4 t spn
sweet fennel powder -----------------   1 t spn
garam masala -------------------------   1 t spn
cooking oil ----------------------------   1 cup
salt                                                      as u need 



cook soya bean in a hot water 
after cool Take it out


ginger , garlic , small onion ,big onion  and green chilly to Grind the bruise

the cooked soya beans to mix the bruise chilly paste 


the chilly powder , turmeric powder , coriander powder , garam masala , sweet fennel , mix with  little salt well mix this all items 

Heat a fry pan 
pour the cooking oil 
after the oil is heated  put the soya beans 
stir well to fry the soya 
The oil should be poured occasionally
after fried u can serve 
but it will take more than forty mints  
then u will get  SOYA BEANS ROAST FRY

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