
Thursday 9 April 2020

How to make ladies finger Puckawada

                           LADIES FINGER PUCKAWADA

                                                     (vendakka pakkavada )


Ladies finger   ------------------------------   6 nos (Cut into slices)
rice powder ---------------------------------   1/4 cup
Seaweed -------------------------------------   1/4 cup
chilly powder -------------------------------   1 t spn 
asafoetida podi -----------------------------   half t spn
sweet fennel powder ----------------------   half t spn
coriander leaf ------------------------------   1 t Spoon chop
curry leafs ----------------------------------   2 thund
cooking oil ---------------------------------   1 cup
salt ------------------------------------------    as u need 


take bowl 
mix with rice powder , seaweed , chilly powder , asafoetida podi , sweet fennel coriander leaf curry leaf and salt mix with this all items in a little water make it in thick paste type it`s keep in a bowl

heat a fry pan in a stove 
pour the cooking oil 
after hot  
dip the ladies finger one by one in the above mixed paste mavu 
Put it into the fry pan 
fry it in both side 

the puckawada is ready to eat 

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