
Friday 3 April 2020

How to make pappaya halwa

                                       PAPPAYA HALWA 


GREEN PAPPAYA -------------------------- 3  (cup grated )
milk   ---------------------------------------- -1 cup
corn flower -----------------------------------3 t spon
gee -------------------------------------------- 4 t s pn
sugar -----------------------------------------  1 1/2 cup
cardamom -----------------------------------  1t spn 


Heat a fry pan  in a stove pour the milk with grated pappaya  
 cook until the milk is dry 
then add sugar  Stir well 
then add corn flower and caramom powder 
then add gee add stir well when its dry in thick 
It should boil well
then take a gee pasted plate keep this to set nice 
then serve the taste pappaya halwa  

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