
Friday 10 April 2020

How to make Cauliflower Baji

                                  CAULIFLOWER  BAJI 


CAULIFLOWER --------  take a cauliflower add with one pinch turmeric powder and cook with hot water for 10 mints 

seaweed --------------------    2 cup
turmeric powder ----------    1 pinch 
chilly powder -------------    2 t spn
sweet fennel powder -----    1 t spn
asafoetida powder --------    2 t spn
rice powder ----------------    3 t spn
cooking oil -----------------    2 cup


seaweed , turmeric powder , chilly powder , asafoetida , rice powder ,sweet fennel ,
this all items mix with salt and little water stir and mix well in thick type 

heat a fry pan pour cooking oil on it 
after heat take the cauliflower each one dip to the above thick paste and put fry pan for fry 
fry in both side of cauliflower 
u will taste the tasty cauliflower baji  

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