
Friday 10 April 2020

How to make boiled rice masala murukku

boiled rice masala murukku 


Boiled rice ----------------   2 cup
fried rice powder --------    1 cup
cumin ---------------------    half t spn
sesame seeds -------------   half t spn
asafoetida -----------------  1/4 t spn
cooking oil ----------------  1 t spn
sweet fennel --------------   1 t spn
chilly powder ------------   1 t spn


In a mixi jar put boiled rice and fried rice powder for grind well with out adding water 
in this paste take it in a plate and add sesame seeds , cumin , asafoetida , chilly powder , sweet fennel ,and one spoon cooking oil and salt stir well and mix it 

take a sevanazhi  put in murukk`s ach 
put in the mixer in sevanazhi put in three lair 

heat cooking oil in a bowl 
after boiled oil put to fry one by one from the ach 
both side should be fry
the masala murukk is ready to taste  

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