
Wednesday 8 April 2020

How to make badura samoosa

                             BADURA SAMOOSA 


Maida --------------------------- Half kg
egg ------------------------------  1
milk  ----------------------------  1
east ------------------------------  half t spoon
sugar ----------------------------  1 t spoon
water ---------------------------- 1/4 cup
salt ------------------------------- half t spoon 

carrot ------------------------------  grated one cup
beans -------------------------------sliced one cup
big onion -------------------------- 2 savala sliced 
cabbage ----------------------------grated one cup 
green piece -----------------------  half cup boiled 
ginger juice------------------------ 1 t spoon
garlic neer ------------------------  1 t spoon
green chilly ---------------------    4 sliced 
turmeric leaf ---------------------  4 t spoon sliced 

chilly powder ----------------------   1 t spoon
turmeric powder -------------------   1/4 t spoon
coriander powder ------------------   half t spoon
sweet fennel ------------------------   1 t spoon 
garam masala ----------------------    half t spoon
cooking oil  -----------------------     1 cup
salt ----------------------------------    as u need 


first of all    Pour the east   over the milk


the egg , sugar , salt  stir with maida then mix to the above milk east  and stir well in chapati paruvam  that`s in Badura mavu stage 
and keep to set 4 hours 


Heat a fry pan and pour the cooking oil 4 t spoon 
put ginger , garlic , big onion , stir well to beat 
then add carrot , beans , cabbage , also stir to beat well
then add green piece , chilly powder , turmeric powder , coriander powder , sweet fennel , garam masala and salt as u need this also mix to that and stir well to beat                                                     this is called  badura masala  


take  the above mixed badura mavu Spread into small pellets 
then each boll make it sheet and put the badura masala  one boll one spoon masal like that 
and make to filled masala sheet to turn cover in samoosa model 

heat a fry pan in a stove pour the cooking oil 
after heated put the covered samoosa put one by one for fry 
turn both side for fry 

after fried u can serve a nice  and tasty 

this called  BADURA SAMOOSA  

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