
Friday 10 April 2020

How to make boiled rice masala murukku

boiled rice masala murukku 


Boiled rice ----------------   2 cup
fried rice powder --------    1 cup
cumin ---------------------    half t spn
sesame seeds -------------   half t spn
asafoetida -----------------  1/4 t spn
cooking oil ----------------  1 t spn
sweet fennel --------------   1 t spn
chilly powder ------------   1 t spn


In a mixi jar put boiled rice and fried rice powder for grind well with out adding water 
in this paste take it in a plate and add sesame seeds , cumin , asafoetida , chilly powder , sweet fennel ,and one spoon cooking oil and salt stir well and mix it 

take a sevanazhi  put in murukk`s ach 
put in the mixer in sevanazhi put in three lair 

heat cooking oil in a bowl 
after boiled oil put to fry one by one from the ach 
both side should be fry
the masala murukk is ready to taste  

How to make mysorpak



seaweed ---------------------   250 gm
sugar -------------------------  3 cup
gee ---------------------------  1/4 cup
coconut oil ------------------  1/4 cup


Heat a fry pan 
put sugar and pour half cup of water 
heat the pan sugar for melt 
Its roughness is  the hand touches the yarn
then add seaweed and stir well and mix 
then add gee and melted coconut oil 
this also mix well and stir 
it will come in thick type 
then u can serve in gee pasted plate 
after cool u can taste cut and eat

the MYSORPAK is ready to serve 

How to make cauliflower masala curry

                   CAULIFLOWER MASALA CURRY 


Cauliflower -- 1 nos -- cut it and kept in hot water with one pinch turmeric powder for 10 mints 

big onion ----- 3 nos --  cut in sliced
tomato -------- 4 nos --  cut in medium sizes
capsicum ----- 1 nos --  cut in normal size 
ginger --------- 1 t spn-  crushing
garlic ---------- 1 t spn-  crushing
chilly powder -2 t spn
green chilly ---4 nos --  cut sliced
turmeric powder -------  1/4 t spn
coriander powder ------  3 t spn
sweet fennel powder --  1 t spn
garam masala ----------  half t spn
cooking oil -------------  4 t spn


Heat fry pan with cooking oil in a stove 
add tomato and take good care of it
and keep it in a plate 

then ginger ,garlic ,big onion , green chilly ,capsicum , this also mix and stir in a fry pan and keep

and this two items make it in a fry a pan 

then heat in low flame and add chilly powder , turmeric powder ,sweet fennel , and garam masala 
stir well 
then add cauliflower and the tomato paste 
add a little salt  and turmeric leaf also  
in this mixer cook in a covered bowl in low flame for 10 mints 

u will get a tasty curry 

How to make Cauliflower Baji

                                  CAULIFLOWER  BAJI 


CAULIFLOWER --------  take a cauliflower add with one pinch turmeric powder and cook with hot water for 10 mints 

seaweed --------------------    2 cup
turmeric powder ----------    1 pinch 
chilly powder -------------    2 t spn
sweet fennel powder -----    1 t spn
asafoetida powder --------    2 t spn
rice powder ----------------    3 t spn
cooking oil -----------------    2 cup


seaweed , turmeric powder , chilly powder , asafoetida , rice powder ,sweet fennel ,
this all items mix with salt and little water stir and mix well in thick type 

heat a fry pan pour cooking oil on it 
after heat take the cauliflower each one dip to the above thick paste and put fry pan for fry 
fry in both side of cauliflower 
u will taste the tasty cauliflower baji  

How to make kozhuva varattiyath

                    KOZHUVA MEEN VARATIYATH


Kozhuva meen  washed and cleaned one cup
chilly powder ------------------3 t spn
coriander powder -------------2 t spn
turmeric powder --------------1/4 t spn
fenugreek  ---------------------1/4 t spn + 1 t spn
tamarind -----------------------1 nellikka size
cooking oil --------------------3 t spn
garlic ---------------------------10 alli


Ina mixi jar chilly powder ,turmeric powder , coriander powder , 1/4 fenugreek ,and tamarind grind well in jar

heat a fry pan in stove
pour the cooking oil
add 1 t spoon fenugreek , and garlic stir well and mix from  the above jar items also
add a little salt also
now u can add the washed kozhuva meen
to all this mix and stir normally  then cook in a  Earthenware Must be closed top
to cook 10 mints

now the good KOZHUVA MEEN VARATIYATH is ready to serve

How to make chena peralan (yam curry )

                                    CHENA PERALAN

                                            YAM CURRY


Chena   Half kg   cut in a medium pieces 
turmeric powder  -----------------   1/4 t spn
grated coconut --------------------   half cup
coriander powder ----------------   2 t spn
dry chilly -------------------------    5 nos
garlic ------------------------------   5 alli
cooking oil -----------------------   5 t spn
sweet fennel ----------------------   half t spn
pepper powder ------------------    1 t spn
small onion chopped  -----------   10 nos
curry leaf --------------------------  2 thund 


To cook chena , turmeric powder , salt and little drinking water add this to cook well and keep a plate

coconut ,coriander ,three dry chilly and garlic grind the  bruise well

heat a fry pan in stove 
to grind the bruise below this items 
small onion ,cinnamon , sweet fennel , pepper ,dry chilly curry leaf all this items mix with the bruise coconut and stir well in position 
then add chena pieces on it and fry in low flame for four mints 
Stir and mix  it will come fry position 
now the tasty  CHENA PERALAN is ready to serve 

How to make elanchi



Maida  --------------------   1 cup
egg ------------------------   1
gee ------------------------   1 t spn
cash nut ------------------   50 gm
kismis --------------------   50 gm
grated coconut ----------   1 cup
sugar ---------------------   1/4 cup
cardamom powder -----   1/4 t spn
turmeric powder -------    1/4 t spn
water / salt                      as u need 


Heat a fry pan in a stove 
pour gee  and add cash nut and kismis fry it well  and keep in a plate 

then the same pan put sugar to fry add little/ one or two t spoon drinking water to add 
stir well  and then add grated coconut  and fried kismis and cash nut  to add on it add cardamom powder also  the sugar water will come in dry then this masala to keep it in a plate 

beat the egg in a bowl add maida flour , turmeric powder and as u need salt also add 
stir well  In the infusion of dosa mavu  it should be beet minimum three mints 

heat a dosa  tawa  in a stove 
after heat pour the dosa mavu a spoon in fry pan to cook all dosa fry it in both side 
and take each dosa keep to two t  spoon coconut  masala kept on it and make to roll 
do like this all fried dosa 
u can serve in hot recipe 
this called ELACHI 

Thursday 9 April 2020

How to make kotthu chapati

                                   KOTTHU CHAPATI__________________


cooked chapati ---------------------   5 nos (cut into small pieces)
big onion sliced --------------------   1 nos
ginger -------------------------------    half t spn
garlic -------------------------------     half t spn
tomato sauce -----------------------   1 t spn
chilly sauce ------------------------    half t spn
soya sauce -------------------------    half t spn
green chilly ------------------------   2 nos (cut in small pieces )
capsicum chopped ----------------   4 t spn

turmeric powder ------------------   1 pinch
chilly powder ---------------------   1 t spn
coriander powder -----------------  half t spn
garam masala ---------------------  1/4 t spn
sweet fennel ----------------------- 1/4 t spn
cooking oil -----------------------   4 t spn
coriander leaf --------------------   2 t spn
salt                                               as u need 


Heat a fry pan  
pour the cooking oil 
add big onion , ginger , garlic , green chilly , capsicum , coriander leaf and garam masala stir well and fry it 
then add tomato sauce ,chilly  sauce , soya sauce , this also add and stir well
then add turmeric powder , chilly powder , coriander powder , sweet fennel , also mix and stir well
and spread  little salt also 
and spread little water also 
now add the cut piece of chapati  
and mix this all in well position for three four mints 
the tasty KOTTHU CHAPATI is ready to serve 

How to make coconut rava leddu

                                       COCONUT - RAVA LEDDU


Rava -------------------------   1 cup
grated coconut -------------   4 t spn
sugar ------------------------   1 cup
gee ---------------------------  4 t spn
milk --------------------------  1 cup


Heat a fry pan 
Fry in coconut ghee

then add rava , suger , and milk 
mix all and stir well position 

then make it In small gooseberry size 
COCONUT RAVA LEDDU  now it`s ready 

How to make soyabean roast fry

                                SOYABEAN ROAST FRY 


Soya bean -----------------------------   200 gm
big onion ------------------------------   1 (chopped)
small onion ---------------------------   200 gm 
green chilly ---------------------------   5 nos
ginger -neer----------------------------   1 t spn
garlic neer -----------------------------   2 t spn
coriander powder ---------------------   2 t spn
chilly powder -------------------------   2 t spn
turmeric powder ----------------------   1/4 t spn
sweet fennel powder -----------------   1 t spn
garam masala -------------------------   1 t spn
cooking oil ----------------------------   1 cup
salt                                                      as u need 



cook soya bean in a hot water 
after cool Take it out


ginger , garlic , small onion ,big onion  and green chilly to Grind the bruise

the cooked soya beans to mix the bruise chilly paste 


the chilly powder , turmeric powder , coriander powder , garam masala , sweet fennel , mix with  little salt well mix this all items 

Heat a fry pan 
pour the cooking oil 
after the oil is heated  put the soya beans 
stir well to fry the soya 
The oil should be poured occasionally
after fried u can serve 
but it will take more than forty mints  
then u will get  SOYA BEANS ROAST FRY

How to make ladies finger Puckawada

                           LADIES FINGER PUCKAWADA

                                                     (vendakka pakkavada )


Ladies finger   ------------------------------   6 nos (Cut into slices)
rice powder ---------------------------------   1/4 cup
Seaweed -------------------------------------   1/4 cup
chilly powder -------------------------------   1 t spn 
asafoetida podi -----------------------------   half t spn
sweet fennel powder ----------------------   half t spn
coriander leaf ------------------------------   1 t Spoon chop
curry leafs ----------------------------------   2 thund
cooking oil ---------------------------------   1 cup
salt ------------------------------------------    as u need 


take bowl 
mix with rice powder , seaweed , chilly powder , asafoetida podi , sweet fennel coriander leaf curry leaf and salt mix with this all items in a little water make it in thick paste type it`s keep in a bowl

heat a fry pan in a stove 
pour the cooking oil 
after hot  
dip the ladies finger one by one in the above mixed paste mavu 
Put it into the fry pan 
fry it in both side 

the puckawada is ready to eat 

How to make a papaya beetroot halva

                                PAPAYA BEETROOT HALVA


Ripe papaya -Chopped ---------------     2 cup
beet root  chopped --------------------     1 cup
milk -------------------------------------     1 cup
gee --------------------------------------      2 t spn
cash nut --------------------------------      10 nos
kismis ----------------------------------      10 nos
sugar -----------------------------------      1 cup
cardamom powder -------------------      half t spn


in a cooker 
papaya , beet root ,add with milk cook in a covered cooker for five mints 

heat a fry pan in a stove 
poured the cooked papaya add with sugar stir well
 When it`s  comes in thick  add gee , cardamom powder , 
the fried kismis and cash nut also add and stir in well position 

it will come in thick past type that`s the boil of it 

then   Draw a gee pasted bowl  
After cooling u can serve a nice BEETROOT PAPAYA HALVA 

Wednesday 8 April 2020

How to make Pumpkin Puckawada

                                  PUMPKIN PUCKAWADA 


Pumpkin ------------------  sliced in finger size one cup
rice powder --------------   1/4 cup                                                                                                  Seaweed flour  -----------  1/4 cup
chilly powder ------------- 1 t spn
asafoetida ------------------ half t spn
sweet fennel --------------- half t spn
turmeric powder ---------- 1 t spn
curry leaf ------------------ 2 thund 
cooking oil ---------------- 1 cup
salt                                    as u need


Rice powder , seaweed flour , chilly powder , asafoetida , sweet fennel ,turmeric powder ,and curry leafs , this all items  mix with water in thick paste type add salt also as u need 

heat a fry pan pour the cooking oil 

the sliced pumpkin dip in the mixed paste and fry in hot oil 

How to make Banana vilakkiyath

                                                   BANANA VILAKKIYATH


Banana ---------------------------4 nos sliced 
grated coconut ------------------2 cup
Jaggery -------------------------  400 gm (melted with filtered )
cardamom powder -------------2 t spn
peanut --------------------------  half cup
gee ----------------------------     2 t spn


Heat a fry pan in a stove 
pour the jaggery  
add coconut  and banana      
 stir well and dry it the  Water fraction
then add cardamom powder , peanut and gee 
mix well and stir well
the BANANA VILAKIYATH is ready to serve 

How to make a Banana madura patthiri

                    BANANA MADURA PATTHIRI


Banana  -----------------------------2 nos sliced in small pieces 
Jaggery ----------------------------- 200 gm (melted should be filtered)
coconut -grated ------------------  1 cup +4 t spn                                                                                        cardamon powder  ---------------  1 t spn
pea nut ------------------------------ 1/4 cup
pachari Soaking --------------------1 cup
boiled rice ---------------------------4 t spn
backing powder --------------------half t spn
gee -----------------------------------3 t spn
salt  as u need 


first part 

the soaking Pachari mix with boiled rice , one cup grated coconut , backing powder and as u need salt  this items all mix well and keep set for 8 hours
to ferment the loaf of bread


heat a fry pan in a stove 
after heat pour melted jaggery 
add 4 t spn grated coconut  and stir in low flame 
it will be come  slightly dry and thick then add the sliced banana , peanut , and pour the gee and cardamom powder 
this mixer to in a side 

now we can make the patthiri

heat a Idle pot with one liter water for boil
after boiled 
insert the idle thattu up and down type (ഇഡലി തട്ടു കമശ്ശ്‌ത്തി  വക്കുക)
a gee pasted plate keep above on it 
and pour a little quantity  mavu from first part and close the top of pot and keep in a flame five mints for cook
then open the pot and pour the mixed coconut from second part fill inside the plate and keep to close the top of pot  and cook for 20 mints in low flame 

now the MADURA PATHIRI is ready to serve 

How to make uzhunnu paripp chamanthi

                     UZHUNNU PARIPP CHAMANTHI 


Uzhunnu -------------------- 1 t spoon
paripp -----------------------  1 t spn
dry chilly -------------------  6+2 nos
small onion ----------------- 10 nos
asafoetida ------------------- 1 t spn
tamarind --------------------- a small nellika size
turmeric powder ------------ 1 t spn
cooking oil------------------- 4 t spn
mustard ---------------------- 1/4 t spn
curry leaf ---------------------2 thund
small onion ------------------ 2 nos
salt                                       as u need 


Heat a fry pan in a stove pour 2 t spn cooking oil 
in this pan uzhunnu , paripp , and dry chilly , fry to this in reddish color 
then add small onion , asafoetida , tamarind , and turmeric powder and stir well to fry

and this thing to mix a jar and grind it well

the another fry pan to heat in a stove 
and pour the cooking oil 
after heated add mustard , dry chilly , small onion , and curry leafs ,  fry to reddish color 

now the grind mixer pour to the second fry pan 
add salt as u need 
add 2 glass pour drinking water 
stir well 
 If the boiling point is off, the oven should be turned off

the tasty chamanthi  that`s called UZHUNNU PARIPP CHAMANTHI 

How to make badura samoosa

                             BADURA SAMOOSA 


Maida --------------------------- Half kg
egg ------------------------------  1
milk  ----------------------------  1
east ------------------------------  half t spoon
sugar ----------------------------  1 t spoon
water ---------------------------- 1/4 cup
salt ------------------------------- half t spoon 

carrot ------------------------------  grated one cup
beans -------------------------------sliced one cup
big onion -------------------------- 2 savala sliced 
cabbage ----------------------------grated one cup 
green piece -----------------------  half cup boiled 
ginger juice------------------------ 1 t spoon
garlic neer ------------------------  1 t spoon
green chilly ---------------------    4 sliced 
turmeric leaf ---------------------  4 t spoon sliced 

chilly powder ----------------------   1 t spoon
turmeric powder -------------------   1/4 t spoon
coriander powder ------------------   half t spoon
sweet fennel ------------------------   1 t spoon 
garam masala ----------------------    half t spoon
cooking oil  -----------------------     1 cup
salt ----------------------------------    as u need 


first of all    Pour the east   over the milk


the egg , sugar , salt  stir with maida then mix to the above milk east  and stir well in chapati paruvam  that`s in Badura mavu stage 
and keep to set 4 hours 


Heat a fry pan and pour the cooking oil 4 t spoon 
put ginger , garlic , big onion , stir well to beat 
then add carrot , beans , cabbage , also stir to beat well
then add green piece , chilly powder , turmeric powder , coriander powder , sweet fennel , garam masala and salt as u need this also mix to that and stir well to beat                                                     this is called  badura masala  


take  the above mixed badura mavu Spread into small pellets 
then each boll make it sheet and put the badura masala  one boll one spoon masal like that 
and make to filled masala sheet to turn cover in samoosa model 

heat a fry pan in a stove pour the cooking oil 
after heated put the covered samoosa put one by one for fry 
turn both side for fry 

after fried u can serve a nice  and tasty 

this called  BADURA SAMOOSA  

Sunday 5 April 2020

How to make Jackfruit baji (chakka baji )

Jackfruit baji


Jack chick ----------------------------  15 nos with out kuru 
kadala mavu    
Seaweed flour  ----------------------  1 cup
chilly powder -----------------------   1 t spoon
turmeric powder -------------------    1 pinch
sweet fennel ------------------------    1 tspoon
asafoetida -(kayam) ---------------    1 t spoon
water  ------------------------------- as u need 
cooking oil ------------------------      1 cup


Mix  seaweed flour , turmeric powder , chilly powder , sweet fennel , and asafoetida with as u need salt and water  mix well in Stir in the baji flour 

Heat a fry pan in a stove 
pour the coconut oil     After heating the oil 
dip the Jack chick  in mixed baji flour  put it in oil for fry 
Turn both sides  after fry u can serve the side dish for evening tea time 

How to make beet root halva

                                      BEETROOT HALVA 


BEETROOT ------------------------------250GM grated
sugar ---------------------------------------1 1/2 cup
cash nut ------------------------------------50gm
kismis --------------------------------------50gm
gee ------------------------------------------4 t spoon
milk -----------------------------------------2 cup
cardamom powder ------------------------1 t spoon
corn flower ---------------------------------4 t spoon


Heat a fry pan in a stove 
pour the gee 2 t spoon 
after heat put cash nut and kismis for fry and keep it in  a side 

Put the grated beet root  in the same gee fry pan  and fry it Beetroot
and pour the milk and mix the beet root and closed the fry pan top heat it in low flame for 10 mints 

After the milk has dried add sugar When it melts add corn flower 
stir well and add the balance gee 
then add the fried kismis and cash nut 
stir well it will come a boll type 
That's the ape's boil

then keep it in a gee pasted plate  and after cool u can cut and serve 
the taste BEET ROOT HALWVA is ready 

Saturday 4 April 2020

How to make rava kesari

                                                  rava kesari


Rava ------------------ Take a cup of Rev and fry it in a spoon ghee
water -----------------1 cup
sugar -----------------Half cup
gee -------------------4 t spoon
cardamon powder --1 pinch 

cash nut -------------15
kismis ---------------15 
gee -------------------1  t spoon


Heat a fry pan in stove 
 Pour water, cardamom powder, sugar,and  ghee 
then add rava and stir well 

the second part take a pan and fry it with gee  kismis and cash nut  

then  fried cash nut  to mix  the above rava mix 
stir well to set 

keep to five minits set after that serve the hot RAVA KESARI 

Friday 3 April 2020

How to make pappaya halwa

                                       PAPPAYA HALWA 


GREEN PAPPAYA -------------------------- 3  (cup grated )
milk   ---------------------------------------- -1 cup
corn flower -----------------------------------3 t spon
gee -------------------------------------------- 4 t s pn
sugar -----------------------------------------  1 1/2 cup
cardamom -----------------------------------  1t spn 


Heat a fry pan  in a stove pour the milk with grated pappaya  
 cook until the milk is dry 
then add sugar  Stir well 
then add corn flower and caramom powder 
then add gee add stir well when its dry in thick 
It should boil well
then take a gee pasted plate keep this to set nice 
then serve the taste pappaya halwa  

Thursday 2 April 2020

How to make paneer egg kuruma

                                  PANEER EGG KURUMA


egg             4
ginger                     Grate a teaspoon
paneer                     200 gm Cut into small pieces
big onion                 1 Cup  sliced
garlic                       Chop one teaspooncup
green chily               5 Bruised
Cardamom               2
clove                        2
Cinnamon                2 piece
coconut milk            A cup of first milk A cup of second milk 
turmeric powder      Half a tbsp
The perineum           half a t spn
coriander powder    1 tspn
turmeric leaf            5 t spn
salt                           as u need 


Heat a fry pan in the stove and pour 4 t spn oil in to it and put the paneer to fry it in both side 
in this oil itself  ginger , green chilly , and garlic , നന്നായി വഴറ്റി എടുക്കുക  then add big onion also make it in well to change onion to brownish color 

after that add turmeric powder , sweet fennel , cardamom , clove , cinnamon , and coriander powder ,this all add to it and well to mix it 
remember in this time all keep the pan in stove at low flame 

then pour the second coconut milk add on it add salt also 
then add paneer put on it 
heat at five mints 
then pour the fist coconut milk 
then add turmeric leaf 
then the last on add the boiled egg on it 
remember onthing after add the fist coconut milk dont be take much time to keep the flame 
keep to set all 
now the kuruma PANEER EGG KURUMA is ready to serve 


Wednesday 1 April 2020

How to make veg kanji


                                              VEG KANJI 



      • Chamba pachari -----------------   1    cup
      • coconut -------------------------      1/2  cup                                                           carrot -----------------------------   1    ചെറുതായിട്ട് അരിഞ്ഞത് )
    • beans ------------------------------   6    ചെറുതായിട്ട് അരിഞ്ഞത് )
    • tomato ----------------------------    1    ചെറുതായിട്ട് അരിഞ്ഞത് )
    • green piece -----------------------    1/4 cup  കുതിർത്ത വേവിച്ചത് 
    • chukk ------------------------------    2    t spoon
    • sweet fennel -----------------------  1    t spoon
    • turmeric powder ------------------ 1/4 t spoon
    • garlic ------------------------------   8 piece
    • small onion -----------------------  10
    • cardamon -------------------------   2
    • clove -----------------------------    2
    • cinnamon ------------------------   2
    • turmeric leaf --------------------   3 t spoon
    • curry leaf ---------------------      2 thund
    • gee -----------------------------     2 t spoon
    • mustard ----------------------       1/4 t spoon
    • dry chilly ----------------------    2
    • cooking oil------------------       3 t spoon
    • onion --------------------------     1  ചെറുതായിട്ട് അരിഞ്ഞത്
    • fenugreek ----------------------    2 t spoon 
    • pepper powder ----------------    2 t spoon
    • salt ------------------------------    as u need 
    • water 


  നന്നായി കഴുകി ചമ്പ പച്ചരി  ഒരു കുക്കറിൽ ഉലുവ ചേർത്തു  നാലു ഗ്ലാസ് വെള്ളം ചേർത്ത 10  മിനിറ്റ് അരി വേവാനായിട്ട് സ്റ്റോവ് കത്തിച്ച വക്കുക 

ഒരു പാൻ അടുപ്പിൽ വച്ച്  ചൂടാക്കുക  അതിൽ എണ്ണ  ഒഴിക്കുക അതിൽ അരിഞ്ഞു  വച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന സവാള ചേർതു  നന്നായി വഴറ്റുക കാരറ്റ് , ബീൻസ് ,തക്കാളി  , ഗ്രീൻ പീസ് കുടി  ചേർത്ത് വഴറ്റി വക്കുക 

ഒരു മിക്സി യിൽ തേങ്ങാ ചെറിയ ഉള്ളി , ചുക്ക് , വെളുത്തുള്ളി , പെരുംജീരകം , മഞ്ഞൾപൊടി , ഏലക്ക, ഗ്രാമ്പു ,പട്ട , കുരുമുളകു , ഇത്രയും ചേർത്ത് നന്നായി അരക്കണം 

കുക്കർ തുറന്നു അരച്ച തേങ്ങാ ഒഴിക്കുക 
അതിൽ വഴറ്റിയ veg  ചേർക്കുക 
എന്നിട്ടു അതിൽ ആവശ്യമുള്ള വെള്ളം ചേർക്കുക 
ഉപ്പു ആവശ്യത്തിന് ചേർക്കുക 
എന്നിട്ടു 5  മിനിറ്റ് നന്നായി തിളപ്പിക്കുക  


ഒരു പാൻ അടുപ്പിൽ വച്ച് ചൂടാക്കുക നെയ്യ് ഒഴിക്കുക കടുക് , വറ്റൽ മുളകു ,കറി വേപ്പില , മല്ലിയില , ഇട്ട് വഴറ്റി  കുക്കെറിൽ ഒഴിക്കുക 
കുക്കർ അടചു വച്ച് 5  മിനിറ്റ് സെറ്റ് ആയ ശേഷം വിളബാം  
നല്ല ഒന്നാംതരം വെജിറ്റബിൾ കഞ്ഞി 
