
Monday 11 February 2013

how to make palada

rice  pachari                                            1 nazhi
coconut grated                                        1 full coconut
egg                                                          1
salt                                                          as u taste


1        rice to keep one hour in water for softness
2       the coconut to make juice in 1st milk for 2 1/2 glass of water
         the 2nd juice to make 2 1/2 glass of water  
         the 3rd time juice to make with 2 glass water
3      the rice to take with egg mix in to juicer make juice type well
       then pour the 1st milk and juice in 5 mints
4     now the juicer keep a vessel add 2nd milk and 3rd milk
       add salt now  {salt pour only your taste }
      total 7 glass milk only u can add it

5    now heat in fry pan
6    ready to start palada 
     through with a big spoon pour the mave in fry pan
     the time to cook less than 1 mints
     like that u can cook one by one
7  after cook palada can fold 2 lair

the PALADA can make 25 piece for 1 nazhi rice
the time will take 10 or 15 mints only
this is the special food for keralite
and a healthy food also  

one nazhi means  nearly one and hafe cup

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