
Thursday 28 February 2013

Sweet pudding


mango                  2 nos 
milk                     1 glass
sugar                   5 t spoon
apple                   1 no cut in small piece
grape                  10 nos
guava                  1 no cut in small piece
papaya                10 small piece
banana                10 small piece

remove the skin and mangostone from mango and put in a mixi jar
add milk  and sugar grind it well
pour a bowl in mango pulp
add the cut piece of apple guava grape papaya and banana
mix this all things well and keep the fridge to cool
after few mints you can serve the SWEET PUDDING

Wednesday 27 February 2013

how to make mutta pathiri


egg                       2 nos
rice powder          1 cup
big onion              1 no {chopped in one inch size}
chilly powder       1/2 t spoon
turmeric powder   1 pinch
sweet fennel          1/2 t spoon
gee                         2 t spoon
salt                         as you much
water                      2 glass


in rice powder add the egg and mix it well
add the onion piece ,chilly powder , turmeric powder , sweet fennel ,salt ,
with water and mix this all to a paste type

heat a fry pan or dhosha stone
after heat the pan pour the gee
then pour the mixed maav
its cooked in first side then re heat the revers side also
the maximum time is five or six mints is enough
after cook you can make to cut in a size
this is a evening tea time to serve better

Monday 25 February 2013

how to make kanava thoran


                                       kanava fish  1 cup small cut size

vazhaka                      2 nos {cut it small piece}
coconut graded          1/2 cup
small onion                2 piece
ginger                        1 small piece
garlic                         4 alli
turmeric powder       1/4 t spoon
chilly powder           1/2 t spoon
cumin seed               1/4 t spoon
green chilly              1 piece
veg oil                      2 t spoon
mustard                    1/4 t spoon
dry chilly                 2 piece
salt                          1/4 t spoon
curry leafs              2  pinch


1st     to grind the following items
coconut,turmeric powder,chilly powder,small onion,ginger,garlic, cumin seed,and green chilly,

mix this above items with kanava and vazhaka 
add salt also as you need
heat in low flame this items for 15 mints
add a glass of water to this 

heat a fry pan with veg oil
add mustard  after its broken add small onion piece 
dry chilly and curry leafs
its become brown colour
5th and finel
add the fry items on the above kanava mix
keep it two three mints after that you can serve

the KANAVA THORAN is ok 

payar parrippu curry


payar parrippu                    1 cup
coconut graded                 1/2 cup
turmeric powder               1/4 t spoon
chilly powder                   1/4 t spoon
cumin seed                       1/4 t spoon
garlic                                4 alli
small onion                      2 nos
curry leafs                       2 pinch
mustard                           1/4 t spoon
dry chilly                        2 nos


in a cooker pour 2 glass water
a small bowl keep it in side the cooker
in that bowl add payer parrippu with 2 glass of water
close the bowl and close the cooker and heat it for 10 mints

coconut turmeric powder cumin seed chilly powder garlic small onion
this items all put in a mixi jar add 1 glass water and grind it for 2 mints

the cooked payer parrippu
through the water in main cooker and pour this parrip and the coconut mixer with
one glass water and salt heat three four mints

next heat a fry pan with veg oil
add mustard  the mustard is broken  add dry chilly , small onion , stir in brown colour 
add curry leafs , and put off the stove

just pour this fry add to payar parrip and close the top and keep two three mints
if u do like this the nice smell will get
this is very taste also get

like this you can make PAYAR PARRIPPU CURRY

Sunday 24 February 2013

how to make vazhathada thoran


vazhathada [plantain steam]         a small piece
coconut graded                             1/2 cup
turmeric powder                           1/4 t spoon
cumin seed                                   1 pinch
garlic                                            2 alli
salt                                               for need to taste
veg oil                                         2 t spoon
mustard                                       1/4 t spoon
dry chilly                                    2 nos
curry leafs                                  2 pinch



cut the Plantain in round shape and remove the net from it and again cut it small piece


pour veg oil on fry pan and heat it
add mustard
mustard will broken then add dry chilly curry leafs,


add Plantain and stir to mix well
cook in low flame for 3 mints and add little water also


then close the flame keep it steam for 2 mints
after that u can serve the PLANTINE THORAN

Saturday 23 February 2013

cabbage mezhukku purattiyath


cabbage                   100 gm small cut piece
green chilly             1 nos
curry leafs               1 pinch
ginger                      1 small piece
uzhunn paripp         1/2 t spoon
veg oil                     1 t spoon
salt                          as u need taste


a           heat a vessel with veg oil
b          add uzhunn parrip it will become redish
c          add curry leafs,ginger,salt.
d         now add CABBAGE and stir it well

heat in low flame for 7 mints
the CABBAGE MEZHUKKU puratti is ready

Friday 22 February 2013

how to make egg curry yellowish


                                  EGG 5 NOS
coconut graded                 1 cup
turmeric powder               1/4 t spoon
small onion                       10 nos
sweet fennel                      1/2 t spon
chilly powder                    1 pinch
green chilly                       2 nos
curry leafs                         2 nullu
mustard                             1/4 t spoon
dry chilly                          2 nos
veg oil                              2 t spoon
salt                                   1/4 t spoon
water                                1 ,1/2 glass



boiled the egg 


coconut, turmeric, sweet fennel, chilly powder, green chilly, 5 small onion, grind with mixi for 3 mints add 1 glass water also


heat a vessel
pour veg oil       add mustard
the mustard broken then add dry chilly,small onion {the small onion should be cut in straight piece}
add curry leafs then stir

the above 2nd items add to 3rd step
add 1 glass water and salt also
remember this curry cannot be full heat
now add the boiled egg
and leave two three seconds in low flame

the tasty EGG YELLOWISH CURRY is ready   

Wednesday 20 February 2013

how to make kanava chilly

                                                   For kanava fish  500 gm

big onion               2 nos   small cut piece
ginger                    1/2 t spoon small cut piece
garlic                     1/2 t spoon small cut piece
green chilly           3 nos small piece
germ masala          1/4 t spoon
turmeric powder    1/4 t spoon
chilly powder         1 t spoon
veg oil                    5 t spoon
tomato                    1 cut it small piece
water                      1/2 glass


heat veg oil in cooking vessel
add big onion stir in 3 mints or the onion become brown
add tomato,ginger,garlic,green chilly,stir it well position
add turmeric powder,chilly powder,germ masala,
now add the washed cut piece of  KANAVA fish
add as you need about taste salt
add the water
now stir well and keep low flame for 15 mints

the chilly of KANAVA is ready

Tuesday 19 February 2013

how to make raw jackfrut aviyal


jackfrut cut in finger types     2 cups

graded coconut                     1/2 cup
turmeric powder                   1/2 t spoon
cumin seed                           1 pinch
salt                                        as u need taste
garlic                                    2 alli
veg oil                                  1 t spoon
mustard                                1/4 t spoon
dry chilly                             2 piece
curry leafs                           2 pinch
water                                   1/2 glass



1       coconut,turmeric powder,cumin seed,and garlic grandad in with mixi jar
2      and this above paste add with jackfrut
3      heat a vessel put this above jackfrut mix with hafe glass water and add salt also
       5 mints in low flame
2 nd step

keep a fry pan and heat in veg oil
add mustard dry chilly curry leafs
after few seconds u just pour this to jackfrut mix

the aviyal  is ready

Monday 18 February 2013

how to make chicken curry


                                  chicken for hafe kg

big onion                3 nos  {chopped}
ginger                     1/2 t spoon
garlic                      1/2 t spoon
green chilly            6 piece
tomato                    2 nos
cinnamon               2 piece
clove                      3 nos
cardamom              4 nos
thakkolam              1 nos
veg oil                    25 gm

turmeric powder    1/4 t spoon
chilly powder         1 t spoon
coriander powder   2 t spoon
sweet fennel           1/2 t spoon

ramba leaf


heat a vessel with veg oil

add chopped big onion  the onion become brownish
then add ginger,garlic,green chilly,cinnamon,clove,cardamom,and thakkolam,stir it well
after two three mints add CHICKEN pieces

now add turmeric powder,chilly powder,coriander powder,sweet fennel and tomato
then add salt and remba leaf {this two items as you need for taste }
now add oneandhafe glass of water and stir well
then close the vessel and flame in low position for 30 mints

the gravy become in thick that time you put off the flame
the CHICKEN CURRY is getting ready

Friday 15 February 2013

How to make chicken fry in oven

                                   For chicken  500gm

big onion                   3 chopped in standerd size
ginger                       1/2 t spoon
garlic                        1/2 t spoon
green chilly              6 piece
tomato                      2 nos
cinnamon                 2 piece
clove                        3 piece
cardamon                 4 piece
thakkolam                1 nos
salt                           as u need to taste

turmeric powder      1/4 t spoon
chilly powder           1/2 t spoon
sweet fennel             1/4 t spoon
lemon juice              1/4 t spoon


1 st      chicken washed and cut it it in a medium sizes

2nd      ginger,garlic,green chilly,cinnamon,cardamon,clove,thakkolam all this
           mix and make it paste type
3rd      turmeric powder,chilly powder,sweet fennel, add this
ok  now add the above 2nd and 3rd items mix well
then paste the chicken pieces with lemon juice leave 10 mints

switch on the oven and keep chicken grill position for 30 mints

the CHICKEN FRY IN OVEN is ready


how to make elluranda [gingelly}

gingelly                500gm
palm gaggery       300gm
coconut graded    1 cup


gingelly grind in mixi powder type
palm gaggery also make it powder type

2nd step

mix palm gaggery , gingelly with coconut

now make a small boll type
like that maximum 25 boll u can make
this vitamin food also
kids like much this thing

Wednesday 13 February 2013

how to make fried rice

basmathi rice                     1 cup
carrot                                 100 gm
beans                                 100 gm
big onion                           2 no
potato                                1 no
green chilly                       3 no
ginger                                small pice
garlic                                 5 pinch
cinnamon                          2 no
clove                                 4 no
cardamom                        4 no
gee                                   5 spoon
turmeric leaf                    3 spoon
cash nut                           10 pice
kissmis                            10 pice
lemon juice                     1 spoon
water                               2 cup


 1             keep 5 mints basmathi rice in water

2              start to heat a vessel in stove
3             add gee clove cinnamon cardamon with kissmis stir in 2 mints
4            then add chopped big onion carrot beans green chilly ginger garlic and potato  stir in 3 mints
5           now the washed rice put on it  and add 2 glass water also
remember   1;2 is the ratio of this food
because 1 glass rice = 2 glass of water
this is the very important of this preparation otherwise the rice will come useless
so please follow the ratio
6           now the flam is full need
            add salt [as u taste }
7         then keep to cook 30 mints in low flame
8         after 25 mints open the top add turmeric leaf cash nut and 2 spoon gee spread on top of rice
9        now the fried  is going to ready
so pleas put off the flame and keep on stove
in this time the top of vessel should be closed tightly
after 5 or 10 mints u can serve this FRIED RICE


Tuesday 12 February 2013

how to make prowns roste


item no 1      PROWNCE           500 gm

2 Items

big onion                      3 nos {chopped }
ginger                           1/2 t spoon
garlic                            1/2 t spoon
green chilly                  3 nos
curry leafs                    2 pinch
salt                               1/2 spoon
veg oil                          4 t spoon
turmeric powder          1/4 t spoon
chilly powder              1/2 t spoon
coriander powder        1/2 t spoon
sweet fennel                1/4 t spoon
tomato                         2 nos
cinnamon                    2 piece
clove                           3nos
cardamon                    3 nos
star anise                     1
water                           1/2 glass

put fry pan heat with veg oil
add cinnamon cardamom thakkolam stir it
after 3 mints heat
add the chopped big onion with salt little 4 mints to heat it
add with ginger garlic green chilly curry leafs
then after few seconds add washed PRAWNS
now add tomato turmeric powder chilly powder coriander powder sweet fennel add it with water
and stir well
salt to add as your taste
now heat with 10 mints in medium flame
in between open the top and stir 2or3 times
the curry water will decree in that time off the flame and keep steam in 4 mints
the PRAWNS ROSTE  is getting ready

Monday 11 February 2013

carrot mezhukku puratti

carrot                 250 gm
big onion           1 no
green chilly       2 pic
curry leafs         2 pinch
veg oil               2  spoon
salt                    as u taste

slice the carrot in to 1'or2'lenth size
pour veg oil and heat the fry pan
then add chopped big onion green chilly curry leafs and salt
now add carrot and cook for 4to7 mints

how to make palada

rice  pachari                                            1 nazhi
coconut grated                                        1 full coconut
egg                                                          1
salt                                                          as u taste


1        rice to keep one hour in water for softness
2       the coconut to make juice in 1st milk for 2 1/2 glass of water
         the 2nd juice to make 2 1/2 glass of water  
         the 3rd time juice to make with 2 glass water
3      the rice to take with egg mix in to juicer make juice type well
       then pour the 1st milk and juice in 5 mints
4     now the juicer keep a vessel add 2nd milk and 3rd milk
       add salt now  {salt pour only your taste }
      total 7 glass milk only u can add it

5    now heat in fry pan
6    ready to start palada 
     through with a big spoon pour the mave in fry pan
     the time to cook less than 1 mints
     like that u can cook one by one
7  after cook palada can fold 2 lair

the PALADA can make 25 piece for 1 nazhi rice
the time will take 10 or 15 mints only
this is the special food for keralite
and a healthy food also  

one nazhi means  nearly one and hafe cup

Sunday 10 February 2013

how to make appam kerala


pachari rice
rice powder              500 gm
coconut graded        4 t spoon
sugar                        1/4 t spoon


                                                     HOW TO PREPARE

  wash the rice and make it powder type
if its powder
 all the above items mix with 1 cup water
and keep it room temperature at least 9 to 10 hours

one thing remember if you want to make a soft appam you add yesterdays 2 or 3 t spoon meals with the rice powder

add soda powder 1/4 t spoon and stir well before cooking
now start cooking
a small fry pan or non stick wok to heat
then pour the mixer to pan one spoon
the edge of appam become goldish  colour and center of spongy
this is ready to take
like that one by one can make
each one take 3 mints maximum
this is keralit special food
and this can serve with various type of currys
the Kerala APPAM is ready taste it   ok

how to make coconut rice



coconut graded                  1/2 cup
chamba rice                       1 cup
fenugreek                           1 spoon
small onion                         10 nos
veg oil                                 2 spoon
salt                                      as u taste


1   the coconut make it thick juice mi xi jar 

2   heat the cooker pour the veg oil 

3   the small onion chopped to add it
4   add the coconut juice with 3 cup of water 
5   the washed rice and fenugreek to add
6   add salt 
and leave the cooker close top and cook in 20 mints
the COCONUT RICE becoming to ready

Saturday 9 February 2013

how to make coconut chammanthi {chutny

coconut graded                       1 cup
turmeric leafs                         1 cup
ginger                                     1/2 spoon
green chilly                            6 nos
cumin seed                             1 spoon
salt                                          1/2
lemon juice or lemon tip        1 spoon

this all items mix and grind in mixer


this u can serve with iddely vada dosha etc

Friday 8 February 2013

how to make idiyappam


rice flour                       1  cup
coconut {grated}          4 t spoon
salt                                {for taste}


mix rice powder with salt in hot water
make it a hafe paste type

then fill it on Idiyappam presser

keep ready to heat idiyappam pan
add a little grated coconut sprinkled on pan
then press from the presser the paste
allow to steam 7to10 mints

the IDIYAPPAM is ready

this the plain idiyappam
this can serve with potato shoo curry or chicken curry like that  

Thursday 7 February 2013

how to make wheat vada

wheat floor                         1 cup
chopped small onion          9 nos
curry leafs
coconut powder                 4 spoon
dry chilly                           3 nos
veg oil                               1 cup


Add hafe glass of water with wheat floor granting in two mints
small onion curry leafs dry chilly mix with coconut powder
add salt al so
add the wheat floor with the above mixer
 this mixer will be a paste type

take a little past round it a vada shape
make all of it

keep a fry pan on pure the veg oil
add  one by one it all to fry
both side can be to fry
then its come on brown shade
the WHEAT VADA is ready


Wednesday 6 February 2013

vegiteble aviyal

plantain                             1 no
cucumber                          100 gm                  
snake gourd                      100 gm      
green chilly                      2 no
curry leafs       
coconut grind ed              1/2 cup
cumin-seed                      1 pinch
cheena                             50 gm
pumpkin                          100 gm                        
turmeric powder              1/2 spoon
veg oil                              1/2 spoon
water                                1/2 glass

                                         how to prepare

cut all the vegetables in small pieces
in hafe glass of water all this can steamed out
don't be heat more than 6 mints
the VEG AVIYAL is ready
this the calcium food also
and this should heat hafe steamed