
Tuesday 15 September 2015

How to make egg idiyan mulag ittath

                           EGG WITH IDIYAN MULAG


EGG-----------4nos (boil and remove the skin )
idiyan mulag - -------------2 t spoon
small onion -------------crushed in full 2 t spoon
dry chilly----------------1
curry leafs --------------1 thund 
chilly powder -----------1/2 t spoon
mustard ------------------1/4 t spoon
cooking oil --------------3 t spoon
turmeric powder ---------1 pinch 
pepper powder -----------1 t spoon


Heat a fry pan 
pour the cooking oil
add mustard when its hot oil
then add dry chilly piece curry leafs and small onion 
then add idiyan mulag then stir well all 

after two mints add chilly powder , pepper powder and stir 

then just crash the egg and put the above gravy 
just heat two three mints 
the  EGG IDIYAN MULAG is ready to serve

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