
Wednesday 23 January 2013

potato kuruma


                                           potato kuruma

                                                                       { total 35 mints }
potato              500
cocunet milk    1 cup   1st st 2nd step & 3 step {separate of each 1 cup}
ginger              1 t sp
garlic               1/2 t sp
green chilly     6 pis
carianderleaf  2 leaf

turmeric powder   1/2 t spoon
sweet fonnel         1/2 t spoon
cardemon               4 nos
cinnamon               3 nos
clove                      4 nos
oil                           5 t spoon


washed potato boiled in15 mints in cooker
after dry remove the skin and chopped the potato mixed with hand paste type
heat the fry pan pure the oil  of
next ginger,garlic,green chilly,drop it in vasheld
after 1 mints chopped big onion in 5 mints
after it car demon cinnamon,clove includ
potato includ
next drop 3rd step cocunet milk leave to boil well
add 2 nd step cocunet milk leave to boil
mally ila,sweetfonnel,turmeric powder include
next add the 1 st step cocunet milk and small quantity of heat
close the stove
close the frypan and keep it 10 mints in without heating 
after that you can serve
potato kuruma is ready

salt as per your choice

we can use with idiyappam   poori    chappathi   appam   like etc

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