
Thursday 24 January 2013



A]    mutton                  500gm
B]    big onion               500gm
C]    small onion           100gm
D]    green chilly           6 pice
E]    ginger                    1 t spoon
F]    garlic                      1 t spoon
G]   cinnamon               2 s pice
H]   clove                       4 nos
I]    cardamon              5 nos
J]   turmeric powder   1/2 t spoon
K]  chilly powder         2  t spoon
L]  coriander powder  4 t spoon
M] tomato                     4 nos
N]  coriander leaf         2
O] oil                             50gm
P]  salt                            little
Q] water                        1 1/2 cup

in a cooker    the total time will take  23 mints

1         cinnamon , clove , cardamon , and big onion   
2         small onion
3         ginger , garlic , green chilly ,
4         chilly powder , turmeric powder , coriander powder , tomato , coriander leaf , salt , 
           and water


pure the oil in a cooker and barn the stove 
put the 1 items and stiril up to 5 mints
then put 2 items stiril up to 2 mints
then put 3 items stiril well up to 1 mints
then the final stage put sl no 4 and make it well mix all things and keep it 15 mints in full flame
the curry is rady

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