
Monday 11 November 2013

fried cake

fried cake


Egg ------------3
sugar -----------1cup ( powder type )
maida flour ----------1/2kg
soda powder----------2pinch
cooking oil


Egg with sugar mix and grind well

maida flour  soda powder  mix with little salt ( the salt quantity as per your taste )

then the egg mix to add the maida mix in well

this mix add little water and mix well for chapattis paruvam
and keep for 15 mints for dry

then from this dough make a big boll size and make it a chapatis level
this size should be 1/2 inch thickness

then make it a small squire size

this  you can fry

heat a fry pan and add cooking oil
then fry the above items

and serve it in hot

the fried cake is ready    

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