
Wednesday 4 December 2013

chicken shakuti

1st item

CHICKEN----------1/2 KG       ( washed and clean in small sizes )

2 st items

garlic--------1/2t spoon neer
ginger------1/2 t spoon
mally leaves
green chilly----------3
turmeric powder---------------1 t spoon

3nd items
grated coconut------------------1  cup

4rd items
small onion---------2

5th items
cooking oil-------------1  spoon
dry chilly----------4nos

6th items
pepper----1 t spoon
clove----------6 piece
jathika---------1 pinch
sweet fennel----------1/2 t spoon
kashakasha---------1/2t spoon

7th items
turmeric powder--------------1/2 t spoon

8th items
gee-----------2 spoon

9th items
big onion------------2  (cut in small size )
garlic ------------5 alli ( cut in small size )

1 st step
Chicken should be clean and washed then cut in small pieces

2nd step
The 2nd items of ingredients to mix all and grind well then paste to the Chicken and keep it

3rd step
the  grated coconut mix with sliced small onion to fry in low flame up to the change of color in brown
and grind in a mix jar for 3 mints and keep

4th step
Heat a fry pan  with  cooking oil then add dry chilly to fry
and keep a plate 
now the same oil in fry pan the 6th of ingredients
then add fried dry chilly and turmeric powder  to mix and grind in a mix jar

5th and final step
Heat a vessel
add gee
after melted gee add sliced big onion  and  garlic 
now add the pasted chicken and stir it, keep to close the vessel top and cook for 10 mints

after it add the mixed coconut and fried chilly mixer one by one all
again cook for 10 mints

then finally add the tomato on it
keep to set everything
now the CHICKEN SHAKUTI is ready to serve

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