
Saturday 31 August 2013

Onion vada


Big onion-------------------3nos    (sliced in long finger size )

chilly powder--------1/2spoon
kadala mavu -----------1cup
rice powder----------------2spoon
turmeric powder-----------1 pinch
kayapodi ---------1/4 t spoon
sweet fennel------------1/2 spoon
cooking oil--------------1cup


1 st---------------Mix with big onion , chilly powder , kadalamavu , rice powder , maida , turmeric powder , kayapodi , sweet fennel , and as you need to add salt also
                         mix well and make a small lemon size boll type

2nd---------------Heat a fry pan
                          pour the cooking oil
                          after that put the above boll one by one to fry it

keep the flame low position
the mixer can cheq the water in low quantity 

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