
Thursday 13 June 2013

how to make duck egg roste


EGG  DUCK------------------5

Big onion--------------4 [in sliced position]
turmeric powder------------1/4 t spoon
chilly powder---------1 spoon
pepper powder------1 t spoon
sweet fennel------------1spoon
salt   --------as you need to taste

cooking oil----------------5 spoon


Heat a bowl with two and hafe of glass water
add a little salt with it
put the egg boil it for 10 mints

Heat a fry pan
add the cooking oil
after heated oil add big onion
add salt
stir and fry for 5 mints

add turmeric powder
chilly powder     pepper powder  
and sweet fennel stir it well

add hafe glass water stir slowly

and the gravy will come thick then add DUCK EGG to it
keep to close the top heat in low flame for two four mints
the duck egg roste  is ready to serve

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