
Sunday 19 May 2013

how to make kinnathappam


Pachari  rice  --------1cup or [1 naazhi]
Doppi rice--------1 spoon
Coconut milk-------------one full coconut of milk
Ghee -----------50gm
 Cardamom -----------25gm
Cash nut----------20gm

Coconut you made milk in 3 steps
The pachari rice     doppi rice and egg to mix and grind in a mixi for 5 mints
  Add with coconut milk 
Then add sugar in coconut rice liquid
And stir well
Add one pinch salt
Then mix and grind well one more time in full of rice and coconut mix this is become very nice liquid type this solution need to  any type of gravity of it

And you should filter the above mixer
Then pour in plate add with sugar then add coconut milk 2nd and 3rd part of milk
No need to add any extra water
Now stir in a spoon with the coconut mixer
Then again filer of it this become maximum 4 glass of milk mix

Next step to cook
Keep the vessel in stove and heat it with a little water on the vesslel or idle bowl
And keep a plate on the vessel  [don’t touch the water ]
Rub the gee on the plate fill the mixed milk on plate
Close to tight the vessel and heat it for 30 mints in low flame
Remember don’t be open the vessel in between this time
After 30 mints put off the flame and take the plate out
And through the water on the above plate
Keep to cool
And look it the nice and tasty KINNATHAPPAM is ready to serve

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