
Wednesday 8 May 2013

how to make chicken boll curry


BONE LESS CHICKEN---------------500GM

turmeric powder---------------1spoon
gar am masala powder--------------1spoon
garlic paste---------1spoon
chilly powder-------------1spoon
salt---------------as u need

                                            FOR GRAVY

big onion sliced -----------2
green chilly-----------3stright cut piece
ginger-----------1spoon cruched
chilly powder------------1spoon
garlic------------1spoon cruched
turmeric powder--------1spoon
tomato ----------------1big size
curry leafs------------2thund

                                 2nd things

cash nut ----------50gm[make it a paste type]
coconut graded ---------2spoon
cooking oil------------
gee-------------1t spoon
green chilly--------------5cut in two side
curry leafs-------------2thund


 Mix  salt , turmeric powder then
cook with Chicken for 10 mints

then this chicken grind in mixi make it  paste

then  add garam masala ,ginger , garlic , soyasose , chilly powder,
now make a small boll shape all this mixer

heat fry pan and pour cooking oil
then fry this boll each all


heat a fry pan add sliced big onion stir it well
add green chilly,ginger,garlic,stir  the onion will come brownish
then add chilly powder,turmeric powder,garem masala tomato,curry leafs,
stir well the oil will come up

cash nut paste stir in a cup of water and pour the chicken boll
heat it 5 mints more

  gee , green chilly,curry leafs, heat little and add the above boll

finally the mally  leafs cuts can decorate up on it

look the CHICKEN BOLL CURRY  how is it

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