
Wednesday 4 September 2013

chicken cash nut kuruma


Cooking oil-----------------3 spoon
Big onion--------------------2nos
Ginger –gravy --------1/2spoon
Garlic gravy------------1/2spoon
Green chilly---------6nos
Turmeric powder------------------1/4spoon
Coriander powder-------------2spoon
Salt----------as you need to taste
Curd-------------5 spoons
Cardamom----------------3 pieces
Mally leafs     puthina leafs     1 spoon each
Potato---------------4 no’s
Cash nut powder-----------10nos
Water-------------as you need


1ST----------------CHICKEN------wash and clean then cut a small piece

2nd-------------big onion can sliced

3rd------------POTATO-----------wash and remove the skin and a medium sizes

4th-----------mally leafs and pothina leafs can cut in small pieces

In a cooker pour the cooking oil and heat the cooker in low flame
Add the chopped big onion
Then stir  it the onion will come brownish color
Now add the gravy of ginger,garlic,and sliced green chilly  pieces  and stir
Then add turmeric powder, coriander powder, salt, and curd
Mix this above items and heat in 2 mints
Now add mally leafs and pothina leafs
Then add chicken pieces
Add potato, cash nuts powder and stir well and keep to heat 3 mints
Then add water in as you need
Now close the cooker top and heat in low flame for up to 4 vissile from cooker

Now the CHICKEN CASH NUT KURUMA is ready to serve

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