
Tuesday 2 January 2018

How to make Papaya vella curry

                                             PAPAYA VELLA CURRY 


 Papaya (small cut pieces )------------1 cup
grated coconut --------------------------1 cup
turmeric powder------------------1/4 t spoon                                                                                      sweet fennel-------------------------one pinch
small onion cuts---------------------------2 ns
chilly powder------------------------one pinch
cooking oil ---------------------------1 t spoon
mustard -----------------------------1/4 t spoon
dry chilly------------------------------------2 ns
curry leafs ------------------------------2 thund
tamarind water --------------------1/2 t spoon


Heat a bowl with a cup of water after boiled add the papaya pieces and add little salt boil fof five mints 
and the second part   the coconut , turmeric powder , sweet fennel , small onion , chilly powder , and tamarind grind in a mixi jar 

above the grinted coconut mixer add to the boiled papaya and add half cup of water  and just heat a two mints and put off the flame 
then heat a fry pan pour the cooking oil  then add mustard dry chilly curry leafs and small onion 
just fry this items and add to papaya mix 

keep to set five mints then serve 

the tasty PAPAYA VELLA CURRY is ready to taste  

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