
Sunday 21 October 2018

How to make Narunandi sarbath


                                        NARUNANDI SARBATH


sugar -----------------------2 kg
water -----------------------8 glass


Boil the water with sugar  then add the Narunandi and boil 10 mints then keep to cool after that filter the water and we can use
its in concentrate type
if u can drink add more water to dilute  

in two and half glass pure water add 4 t spoon narunandi sarbath  mix with half potion of lemon piece 
u can drink as a natural juice 
taste it  a good drink 

Saturday 8 September 2018

How to make masala kanji ( Ramsan kanji )

                                      MASALA KANJI

chamba pachari -------------one cup
grated coconut --------------1/2 cup
turmeric powder ------------1/4 t spoon
sweet fennel -----------------1 t spoon
small onion ------------------10 nos
garlic -------------------------8 alli pieces 
chuk(chook)------------------2 t spoon
pepper powder---------------2 t spoon
cardamom--------------------2 ns
cinnamon---------------------2 small piece
clove --------------------------3 piece
coriander-powder------------1/4 t spoon
chilly powder-----------------1 pinch
gee-----------------------------3 t spoon
mustard------------------------1/4 t spoon
coriander leafs ---------------3 t spoon cuts
fenugreek ---------------------2 t spoon
salt  as u need
curry   leafs  little


Champa pachari wash well and cook in a cooker for 10 mits with fennugreek ,   little salt and 3 glass fresh water 

in a mixi jar  coconut powder , turmeric powder , sweet fennel , small onion , garlic  chook, pepper powder , coriander , cinnamon , clove , and  turmeric chilly powders add this items and grind well

then the above grinded mixed items to add in rice cooker 
mix well and cook in five mints 

the next step heat a fry pan add gee  mustard curry leafs and coriander leafs all this items fry it and pour the rice cooker 
keep to close the top five six mints to set the kanji 

now the tasty MASALA KANJI is ready to serve 

Sunday 13 May 2018

how to make chook kanji


                                             chook kanji


1   chamba pachari----------1 cup
2   small onion---------------1 cup
3   chook ( ചൂക് ) --------3 t spoon
4   pepper powder ----------2 t spoon
5   garlic ---------------------8 alli
6   grated coconut ----------1 cup
7   cardamom  --------------2 ps
8   cumin seed --------------1/4 t spoon
9   fenugreek  ---------------3 t spoon
10 gee -----------------------2 t spoon
11 salt -----------------------as u need


In cooker chamba pachari  fenugreek little water and salt ( as u need )to cook and keep to cook 10 mints

next step     In a mixi jar     add    coconut,small onion,cardamom,chook,pepper powder,cumin seed,and ginger grind well and keep

next  open the cooker and add the coconut mixer and boil well
stir in well keep to cook five mints then add gee in last keep to close the top for set five mints
the tasty chook kanji is ready to serve  

Tuesday 1 May 2018

How to make koonthel chilly



koonthel 250 gms small ring cut size 

big onion   2 nos make to cut a big round size 
capsicum   1 nos make to cut in big size 
ginger        1 piece cut 
garlic         1 big piece cut

maida floor    4 t spoon
corn floor      4 t spoon
pepper powder    2 t spoon
tomato souse           5 t spoon
chilly souse             2 t spoon
soya  souse              1 t spoon
turmeric powder      1 pinch
chilly powder          1 t spoon
coriander powder    1/2 t spoon
garem masala          1 pinch
cumin seed              1/4 t spoon

green chilly          4 nos
corn floor             1/2 t spoon


1 st
mix with koonthel , maida , corn floor , pepper powder , and salt mix it well and fry with oil and keep it
Heat fry pan   pour the cooking oil
after hot add ginger , garlic , and onion to stir in well it will be change the onion in brownish color
after that add green chilly , turmeric powder,chilly powder,cumin seed,garam masala ,coriander powder , this all add one by one and stir it well
then add soya souse ,chilly souse,tomato souse,and mix it well
then add the above fried koonthel mix it all
3 rd
mix corn floor,half t spoon with little salt with water
this mixer also add the above koonthel set
and mixed all in well position and just heat two mints

the chilly koonthel is ready to taste 

Monday 30 April 2018

How to make koonthel fry simple

                                         Koonthel fry simple 


koonthel ( kanava ) ---------washed and cleaned then cut to small ring size  one cup

maida floor ------------------3 t spoon 
corn floor  -------------------3 t spoon
pepper powder --------------2 t spoon
cooking oil ------------------1/2 cup
salt ----------------------------as u need 


Mix maida ,corn floor , pepper, add little salt with a small t spoon water mixit well and keep

heat a fry pan pour the cooking oil after hot the koonthel dip in maida mix and put the hot oil 
fry it full 

dry to make good koonthel fry  

Sunday 15 April 2018

How to make Papaya Thoran

                                          PAPAYA     THO RAN


 choped papaya in    one cup
grated coconut  ----  one cup
turmeric powder --- 1/4 t spoon
garlic ---------------   2 pis
green chilly --------  2 pis
curry leafs----------- 1 thund
cooking oil ---------- 2 t spoon
mustard -------------  1/4 t spoon
dry chilly -----------  2 pis
small onion --------   3 nos 


Heat a fry pan
pour cooking oil  then add to fry  mustard, dry chilly, curry leafs and small onion 
fry up to brownish color                                                                                                                coconut, garlic, green chilly, turmeric powder this items guis it in a mixi jar one mints then add to fry pan  mixit well all heat for two mints  after that add papaya shuffle well all add salt as u need 
keep to close the top heat in five mints in low flame 
now the thoran is ready 
serve in hot and taste it  

Sunday 25 March 2018

How to make onion prwace fry

                                 ONION PRAWNS FRY  


prawns --------------------cleaned and washed prawns--one cup
onion ----------------------2 nos sliced in straight  
ginger----------------------1 t spoon
garlic-----------------------1 t spoon
chilly powder--------------1 t spoon
turmeric powder----------1/4 t spoon
garam masala--------------1/4 t spoon
cooking oil-----------------4 t spoon
salt--------------------------as u need
curry leafs -----------------2 thund


Mix this all well ( onion,ginger,garlic,chilly powder,turmeric powder,garam masala,curry leafs with prawns and salt )
keep this mixer five mints to set 
then heat a fry pan in low flame pour the cooking oil to pan 
after that dip the mixed prawns one by one all 
fry all prawns like that 
and serve to taste 

Tuesday 2 January 2018

How to make Papaya vella curry

                                             PAPAYA VELLA CURRY 


 Papaya (small cut pieces )------------1 cup
grated coconut --------------------------1 cup
turmeric powder------------------1/4 t spoon                                                                                      sweet fennel-------------------------one pinch
small onion cuts---------------------------2 ns
chilly powder------------------------one pinch
cooking oil ---------------------------1 t spoon
mustard -----------------------------1/4 t spoon
dry chilly------------------------------------2 ns
curry leafs ------------------------------2 thund
tamarind water --------------------1/2 t spoon


Heat a bowl with a cup of water after boiled add the papaya pieces and add little salt boil fof five mints 
and the second part   the coconut , turmeric powder , sweet fennel , small onion , chilly powder , and tamarind grind in a mixi jar 

above the grinted coconut mixer add to the boiled papaya and add half cup of water  and just heat a two mints and put off the flame 
then heat a fry pan pour the cooking oil  then add mustard dry chilly curry leafs and small onion 
just fry this items and add to papaya mix 

keep to set five mints then serve 

the tasty PAPAYA VELLA CURRY is ready to taste