
Sunday 9 June 2019

How to make meat kanji

                                      MEAT KANJI 


Chamba pachari ---------------------------2 cup
mutton meat  -------------------------------250 gm 

small onion -------------------------------15 nos
big onion ----------------------------------2 nos
ginger neer --------------------------------1 spoon
garlic neer ---------------------------------1 spoon
green chilly --------------------------------4
remba leaf ----------------------------------1
coriander leaf -grated ---------------------half cup

chilly powder -----------------------------1 t spoon
coriander  powder ------------------------2 t spoon
graded coconut ---------------------------1 cup
cardamom ---------------------------------3 nos
cinnamon ----------------------------------3 piece
clove ---------------------------------------4
chook (chuk)-------------------------------3 t spoon
pepper powder ----------------------------2 t spoon
fenugreek ----------------------------------2 t spoon
gee -------------------------------------------4 t spoon
sweet fennel powder -----------------------2 t spoon
cooking oil ----------------------------------3 spoon
turmeric powder ---------------------------1/4 t spoon

salt ---------------------------------------    as u need


Heat a cooker in stove with cooking oil and add ginger neer garlic neer and green chilly cuts in sort well then add big onion pieces and half quantity of small onion pieces then sort again well to change the onion color to brownish 
after that add chilly powder coriander powder turmeric powder sweet fennel powder and fenugreek to sort in well position 
now u can add washed rice add salt as u need to mix all well
then add remba leaf cuts with 5 glass s of pure water mixed in all then close the top of cooker and boil for  15 mints in low flame 

meanwhile take a mixi jar add coconut and other all things except gee and coriander leafs  which one we taken before grinned well 

now the coconut mixer add to rice cooker 
then take a fry pan heat with gee add coriander leafs sort well
this also add to rice cooker then close the top 10 mints for set 
after it mints u can serve the tasty MEAT KANJI