
Saturday 8 September 2018

How to make masala kanji ( Ramsan kanji )

                                      MASALA KANJI

chamba pachari -------------one cup
grated coconut --------------1/2 cup
turmeric powder ------------1/4 t spoon
sweet fennel -----------------1 t spoon
small onion ------------------10 nos
garlic -------------------------8 alli pieces 
chuk(chook)------------------2 t spoon
pepper powder---------------2 t spoon
cardamom--------------------2 ns
cinnamon---------------------2 small piece
clove --------------------------3 piece
coriander-powder------------1/4 t spoon
chilly powder-----------------1 pinch
gee-----------------------------3 t spoon
mustard------------------------1/4 t spoon
coriander leafs ---------------3 t spoon cuts
fenugreek ---------------------2 t spoon
salt  as u need
curry   leafs  little


Champa pachari wash well and cook in a cooker for 10 mits with fennugreek ,   little salt and 3 glass fresh water 

in a mixi jar  coconut powder , turmeric powder , sweet fennel , small onion , garlic  chook, pepper powder , coriander , cinnamon , clove , and  turmeric chilly powders add this items and grind well

then the above grinded mixed items to add in rice cooker 
mix well and cook in five mints 

the next step heat a fry pan add gee  mustard curry leafs and coriander leafs all this items fry it and pour the rice cooker 
keep to close the top five six mints to set the kanji 

now the tasty MASALA KANJI is ready to serve