
Sunday 5 November 2017

prawns masala curry

                                         PRAWNS MASALA CURRY

Prawns ---------- washed and clean -- 250 gm

big onion  ------- sliced -- 2 nos
green chilly ----- sliced -- 3 nos
ginger ------------ 1 t spoon crussed
garlic ------------- 1 t spoon cussed
tomato ------------ 2  small cut pieces

chilly powder -----1 t spoon
turmeric powder -- 1/4 t spoon
coriander --------- 2 t spoon
cumin powder --- 1/2 t spoon
garam masala ---- 1/2 t spoon
coconut oil ------- 4 t spoon
curry leafs -------- 2 t spoon
salt -----------------as u need


Heat a fry pan in stove
pour the oil
add savala with little quantity of salt to shuffle in few seconds
then color of savala will be change a brownish then add green chilly tomato ginger and garlic
stir in three to four seconds 
then add chilly turmeric cumin and coriander powders
add garam masala also
then add prawns
add little salt with water
stir it well  keep the top  of pan close
heat it ten mints for low flame

after 10 mints close the flame  and  keep table for masala curry
the tasty PRAWNS MASALA CURRY is ready to serve